is an alternative to dplyr::row_number()
that generates random-looking IDs from integer ranks
using Sqids (formerly Hashids).
IDs that generated with sqids()
can be easily decoded back into
the original ranks using unsqids()
.salt = sample.int(1000, 3),
.ties = c("sequential", "min", "max", "dense")
- x
, a vector to rank. You can leave this argument missing to refer to the "current" row number in 'dplyr' verbs.For
, a character vector of IDs.- .salt
Integers to use with each value of
to generate IDs.- .ties
Method to rank duplicate values. One of
, or"dense"
. Seeties
argument ofvctrs::vec_rank()
for more details.
ids <- sqids(c(5, 1, 3, 2, 2, NA))
#> [1] "cjuiea7YwmO" "GpUYec8C9SD" "HnVrUtYxjxO" "6Xge9xA9Rhq" "YwEGRTfU80b"
#> [6] NA
#> [1] 5 1 4 2 3 NA
df <- data.frame(
grp = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3)
# You can use `sqids()` without referencing `x` in dplyr verbs.
dplyr::mutate(df, sqids = sqids(), row_id = unsqids(sqids))
#> grp sqids row_id
#> 1 1 eH6wVlCO0ZA 1
#> 2 1 0dTSmtQKakU 2
#> 3 1 pAkeMlWKnO9 3
#> 4 2 1a79sLUZt7r 4
#> 5 2 GQUUYcFb9Ub 5
#> 6 2 xcoeNCjm76h 6
#> 7 3 Z7Md7UY60wE 7
#> 8 3 gWHmfJheCXR 8
#> 9 3 JoagzEH8OKT 9
# Use `.ties` to control how to rank duplicate values.
dplyr::mutate(df, sqids = sqids(grp, .ties = "min"), grp_id = unsqids(sqids))
#> grp sqids grp_id
#> 1 1 tCyn3JsAbMw 1
#> 2 1 tCyn3JsAbMw 1
#> 3 1 tCyn3JsAbMw 1
#> 4 2 zhcShwOlmwh 4
#> 5 2 zhcShwOlmwh 4
#> 6 2 zhcShwOlmwh 4
#> 7 3 mcxhx3D6HHY 7
#> 8 3 mcxhx3D6HHY 7
#> 9 3 mcxhx3D6HHY 7
# When you need to generate the same IDs for each group, fix the `.salt`:
dplyr::mutate(df, sqids = sqids(.salt = 1234L), .by = grp)
#> grp sqids
#> 1 1 Rge1J
#> 2 1 W70Dc
#> 3 1 LQpzb
#> 4 2 Rge1J
#> 5 2 W70Dc
#> 6 2 LQpzb
#> 7 3 Rge1J
#> 8 3 W70Dc
#> 9 3 LQpzb