Proceed state of hands
- qipai
A list of character vectors where each element represents a player's qipai.
- zimo
A list of character vectors where each element represents a players's zimo.
- dapai
A list of character vectors where each element represents a players's dapai.
- accumulate
Logical. If true, returns accumulated result.
if (requireNamespace("dplyr", quietly = TRUE)) {
qipai <-
paistr("m123456789p1s1z11") |>
tidy() |>
dplyr::mutate(tile = as.character(tile)) |>
zimo <- list(c("p2", "p3"))
dapai <- list(c("z1", "z1"))
proceed(qipai, zimo, dapai)
#> <skksph_paistr[1]>
#> [1] <13>'m123456789p123s1'